起价 800K
The Trailside Towns 坐落在 Walter Bean Trail 头的乡村,将无忧无虑的生活与邻近的自然区域融为一体。这些联排别墅在滑铁卢为房主提供宁静轻松的生活方式。
The Trailside Towns 位于 Walter Bean Trail 的顶端,提供靠近自然区域的独特生活方式。 Trailside 周围有许多便利设施,例如 Gray Silo 高尔夫俱乐部、RIM 公园、St. Jacobs 农贸市场和滑铁卢最引人入胜的户外体验,是一个特别适合称之为家的地方。

A freehold collection of Back-to-Back and Traditional Townhomes in Whitby.

When it comes to creating the perfect home, Andrin brings your vision to life. Luxury features and finishes and warm open concept spaces. Andrin knows how to bring out the BEST in your home.
This is transformational living – modern space perfected for you and your family.

Your home at Country Lane has been designed to please your family, and so has the entire community. The nearby area offers wonderful neighbourhood parks made for family fun, featuring playgrounds, sports fields, picnic areas and green space galore. Not only that, but you’re just steps from the 950 acres of protected parklands at Heber Down Conservation Area, and the 68 km of recreational trails that wind through and connect to Whitby’s extensive trail network.

作为过去 30 年来在滑铁卢地区根深蒂固的主要土地开发商,我们参与了包括 Huron Village、Vista Hills 和 Doon South 在内的许多当地社区和社区的规划阶段。我们在我们不断发展的地区工作和投资的时间越长,我们就越有兴趣进一步了解这些社区的建设方式,以及帮助在我们社区生活和工作的人们。